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JOBST UK>Patients>Resources

Welcome to the JOBST resource area!

Looking for additional information about your condition and JOBST? Download our informative brochures and more here.

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Women with her hands on her hips wearing a wrap compression garment on her leg

Helping You Self-Care For Your Swollen Limb

JOBST Confidence Patient Leaflet

JOBST UlcerCARE Patient Information

Paediatric Lymphoedema Patient Booklet

Caring For Your Swollen Limb JOBST FarrowWrap

JOBST Relax Patient Brochure

Managing Lymphoedema

Custom-fit Compression - Made to Fit Your Individual Needs

JOBST FarrowWrap Patient Leaflet

JOBST Elvarex Colour Guide

Living With a Leg Ulcer

Understanding Your Custom Made Compression Garment

JOBST Safeguarding Patient Data

Terms and Conditions

JOBST Delivered Patient Leaflet

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